Posts by: twsadmin

3 2017 Social Media Predictions that are in Full Swing

Social media is constantly changing and adapting to better suit the public. Many predictions were made about the direction that social media would take in 2017 and what follows are the top three social media predictions that have definitely taken over this year. 1. Live Video With top social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram having recently adopted live…read more →

5 Ways to Take Your eCommerce Website to the Next Level

The world of online shopping has been growing at an astonishing rate since its inception in 1994. Today, studies show that almost 80% of people in the US have made an online purchase and 50% of people have made two or more online purchases. Furthermore, a survey by Statistica showed that more than 100 million people in the US regularly…read more →

How to successfully target your audience with online advertising

Scrolling through the depths of Tumblr, amongst GIFs of cats and memes, there was one post in particular that struck me:  the text post called out Tumblr saying that the website had not heard of target advertising. Many college and high school students will see an ad for a luxury car in-between two posts: one being a joke about student debt…read more →

3 Strategies to Increase Your Email Open Rate

A novel’s success is measured by its audience. The greatest pieces of literature have been read by millions, all intrigued by the words of the wise authors. Had these audiences never read the words, the content would still be of great quality. Much like novels, emails thrive on their audience. You can create unique, interesting and informative emails but they…read more →

Mobile Marketing with PUSH messages

If you’re a small business owner looking for a way to boost your sales, the answer you seek is sitting in the palm of your hand. The statistics to support the reach of mobile marketing are extensive. Recent studies have determined that “87% of people always have their smartphone at their side”, “people pick up their mobile devices 150 to…read more →

This month we welcome guest blogger Matt Rider of Mongoose Web to bring you the best information on how to improve your local search results. In his two-part series, Matt pulls the covers back to explain how search engine optimization works and how you can improve your local listings on Google to bring in more business. Check out Building a…

So what DOES Google like when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? This month we welcome guest blogger Matt Rider of Mongoose Web to bring you the best information on how to improve your local search results. In his two-part series, Matt pulls the covers back to explain how search engine optimization works and how you can improve your…

What is a Responsive Mobile Website?

Although a responsive website used to have a very broad definition, over the years it has been fine-tuned into a solid standard that all web development companies must strive towards. The rise in popularity of mobile devices has also created an exponential growth in the amount of time spent by users on the web through their mobile device. Mobile devices…read more →

3 Inexpensive Marketing tools you get from a Native Mobile App

According to a survey released in 2014 by Flurry Analytics, Americans spend 86% of their time on mobile apps versus 14% spent on mobile websites. Research by the same statistics company also determined that the average US mobile user spends 2 hours and 42 minutes a day on their devices. As the marketing saying goes “be where your customers are”,…read more →

Website statistics: use your web analytics to improve your business

Imagine if you can, a time before the Internet, when businesses had to manually collect data by physically asking customers how they found them or by counting coupons or vouchers they received back from a promotion in order to gauge how successful it was. Basing important business decisions on this data was a little risky because the demographics wouldn’t necessarily…read more →